7 April

Top 15 Ontario Secondary Schools Ranking

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This list is based on School report cards which are prepared and published by the Fraser Institute.

The school report cards offer detailed tables showing how well schools performed in academics over a number of years. By combining a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible public website, the school report cards allow teachers, parents, school administrators, students, and taxpayers to analyze and compare the academic performance of individual schools in an attempt to answer the question, “How are our schools doing?”.

How is our research conducted?

According to Fraser Institute,  “We use objective, publicly-available data to rate and rank the schools, such as average scores on state tests provided by provincial education ministries. ”

Here is the the list of top 15 public schools:

Is this list a perfect reference for school selection?

“It is a good reference, but not perfect. According to my personal experience, you should not choose very bottom ones, that is good enough, you can hardly No. 5 is better than No. 10 in the list ” said Charles Yang, who has lived in Ontario for more than 10 years and has gone through the full cycle of school comparison,  selection, study, and graduation for his son and friends.

More and more people now realize, the most important factor for a student’s success, is still the student’s own efforts and hard work, as long as the study environment is supportive.  Parents can create a good environment for you say moving to a good school region, but the task of study, is still on the kids’ shoulders.

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